Wildflowers of Southwestern Maine

After this winter’s snow, ice, and cold, get ready for spring with two programs on wildflowers. Program presenter and wildflower enthusiast Dianne Sinclair from Porter has been stalking wildflowers in northern New England since 1988.
A Wildflower Power Point Presentation:
Thursday, May 23rd, at 7:00 p.m. at Hancock Ave Arts Center, 8 Hancock Ave., Hiram. This presentation will sharpen your knowledge of local wildflowers and will include some curious facts.
Wildflower Walk:
Saturday, May 25 from 10 AM-Noon, at the Tenmile River Demonstration Forest on Notch Rd. in Hiram The walk may involve uneven ground. Bring field guides, bug dope, and good walking shoes. [Rain date: Sunday, May 26]. Look for the directional signs near 600 Notch Rd. in Hiram.
The programs are co-sponsored by Oxford County Soil and Water Conservation District and Sacopee Valley Adult Education. The registration fee is $3
For more information, contact Michele Windsor, Oxford County SWCD, 744-3111.
Go to https://sacopee.coursestorm.com/course/wildflowers to register or call (207) 625-3092.