Green Mountain Conservation Group (GMCG) welcomes the public to celebrate summer on the Ossipee River with its free and educational film series.

Every Tuesday evening in July
the public is invited to GMCG’s conservation center, the Blue Heron House, located at 236 Huntress Bridge Road in Effingham, NH for a fun environmental film and snacks outside (weather-permitting).
Featured films and documentaries will include topics such as black bears and other wildlife, pollinators such as bees and butterflies, and other conservation topics. Films are meant to build an awareness and appreciation for the natural world and inspire people to become better stewards of natural resources.
All film series events will be family-friendly and free, with films starting at dusk and popcorn included. There will be fun raffles each week with prizes for attendees. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the trails and river before the films (bring a fishing pole and tackle, no swimming allowed).
Film listings and times will be posted at GMCG also encourages the public and families to check out other summer programming at the conservation center, including a weekly Nature Story & Discovery Time for young children ages 1-6 with their caregivers.
Visit for more details or write to