Hey Folks, Sacopee Valley Adult Education is looking for instructors for their Winter Enrichment Program!
The course submission deadline is November 18, 2019.

Do you have a passion for something you think other adults would love to learn? Are you looking for a side gig to make a few extra bucks this winter? Then partner with a shared community adult education program! A degree in education is not required!
Check out a few class categories and ideas below for inspiration:
Beauty and Image
Creative Arts and Music
Culinary Arts
Family, Home, and Garden
General Enrichment
Health and Wellness
Recreation Professional Skills
Teaming up with local studios, businesses, or other offsite facilities is always an option too.
Please email your idea at adultedinfo@sad55.org or call (207) 625-3092. Also, visit www.sacopee.maineadulted.org and get to know us if you haven’t already.
They can't wait to hear from you! If you know someone with talent and skills, please spread the word! The winter program starts around the 3rd week of January through March 2020. Thank you and they appreciate your support!