The Susie Burke and David Surette concert was the second in a series of four live performances scheduled for the Bridgton Twin Drive-In in September. Hailing from South Berwick, Susie and David recalled fond memories of their annual visit to a cabin on Adams Pond and watching films with their children at the very Drive-In they were performing.

Burke and Surette lived up to their reputation as one of the finest acts on the lively New England Folk scene. Susie’s version of Linda Ronstadt’s It Doesn’t Matter Anymore resonated with the crowd. Their talents are vast, Susie’s vocal style stunning and David’s fretwork fluid. Their blend of contemporary, traditional, and original folk acoustic made for a perfect Sunday afternoon picnic and concert. "It was really a great day," said David. "We lucked out with the weather and it was the first time either of us have done a concert at a drive-in!"
"I am so impressed with all the work that went into putting on this event," said Susie. "Sharing live music outdoors, looking out at those smiling faces, it was really terrific. I think we have all missed this kind of communal event. We are very appreciative of organizations like DAC, that are working to help keep live music and the arts happening during these challenging times."
This COVID-safe music series is in substitution for Denmark Arts Center's fall fundraiser. These concerts are rain or shine events, as their music will be piped into your vehicle in case of inclement weather. A description of what the experience will be like at the concert accompanies each band listing on the website. The goal for each of these events is to get art into the community, employ musicians, and provide a bit of relief for our weary minds. The DAC would like to additionally thank their season sponsor Atlantic Hardwoods of Portland, ME.