The Town of Porter is accepting bids for the purchase of the municipality's interest in tax ac-
quired properties. Each bid must be accompanied by a completed bid sheet available on their
website (, at the Town Office, or by email. Each bid must be in a sealed
envelope marked "Tax Acquired Property Bid" with the Parcel Map and Lot number on the out-
side. Each bid may be for one property only; any person wishing to bid on several properties
must submit a separate bid for each one. All bids must be received by the Town no later than
3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 8, 2022. Late bids will not be opened or considered.
Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a certified check or money order, in
an amount equal to or greater than ten (10%) of the bid price. Each successful bidder's de-
posit will be credited to the total purchase price for that parcel. Deposits will be returned to the
unsuccessful bidders. A self-addressed stamped envelope must be included to return the deposit
of unsuccessful bidders. Any bid which does not contain the proper deposit will be rejected.
The properties are being sold "as is-where is" in all regards including, without limita-
tion, the status of title, environmental, and state and local permitting determinations.
Conveyance will be by Quit Claim Deed without covenants. The Town makes no war-
ranties or representations of any kind whatsoever concerning the nature, extant, va-
lidity, value, or utility of any rights to be conveyed. Bidders are strongly advised to
consult an attorney prior to submitting a bid.
Bids will be opened, reviewed, and awarded by the Select Board at the Select Board meeting to
be held on Wednesday, March 9, 2022, at 3:00 p.m. The Select Board reserves the right to reject
any and all bids. The successful bidder shall have nine (9) calendar days from the date of the
bid acceptance in which to complete the purchase. In the event a successful bidder fails, for any
reason, to complete the purchase in the time stated, the bid acceptance is void and the bidder's
deposit shall be forfeited to the Town. The Select Board may thereafter negotiate a sale of the
property with any or all unsuccessful bidders. For more details regarding the Town of Porter's
Tax Acquired Property Policy as well as the current bid form, please visit their website at
Residential Property:
U02-029 - 52 Summer St, dwelling on 0.29 acre currently assessed at $80,501, minimum bid $5,212.87
R10-023F - 530 Kennard Hill Road, dwelling on 2.84 acres currently assessed at $103,667 minimum bid $6,091.97