The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Parsonsfield is accepting sealed bids for the purchase of the municipality's interest in three tax-acquired properties. The properties for sale are described on the Town's Tax Maps as:
Lot 1. Tax Map U05-009-A 42 Sokokis Road. Minimum bid $500. 0.3 acres or less, non-buildable.
Lot 2. Tax Map R10-002 Lon Knox Road. Minimum bid $10,000. 36 acres more or less.
Lot 3. Tax Map R21-025 Limerick Town Line. Minimum bid $6,250. 10 acres more or less.
Each bid must be for one property only. Any person wishing to bid on more than one property must submit a separate bid for each one. All bid must be received by the Board of Selectmen no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 23, 2020. Each bid must be sealed in an envelope and delivered to:
Town of Parsonsfield
ATTN: Sealed Real Estate Bid Lot X (with X corresponds to the designations above)
634 North Road
Parsonsfield, ME 04047
Each bid must include the bidder's name, mailing address, phone number, and self addressed stamped envelope and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a certified check or money order, in an amount equal to or greater than 10% of the bid price. Each successful bidder’s deposit will be credited to the total purchase price for that parcel. Deposits will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. Any bid which does not contain the proper deposit will be rejected.
Late bids will not be opened.
Bids will be opened, reviewed, and awarded by the Selectmen at their regular weekly meeting at the Town Office at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 23, 2020. The Board of Selectmen reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Each successful bidder will have until 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, to complete the purchase. The payment of the remaining balance must be made by certified check or cash. Each property will be conveyed by a quitclaim deed without covenants or warranties. The Town will record the deed. A $20 recording and administration fee must accompany the final payment. In the event that a successful bidder fails, for any reason, to complete the purchase in the time stated, the bid acceptance is void and the bidder’s deposit shall be forfeited to the Town. The Board of Selectmen may thereafter negotiate a sale of the property with any or all unsuccessful bidders.
The tax maps can be viewed at
Please email the Board of Selectmen at if you have further questions.