Jess Davis is a teacher living in Brownfield, Maine and has been restoring cemeteries and gravestones for over 15 years. Her interest in restoring gravestones led her to locate and research all the cemeteries in Brownfield and Eaton, NH and she just finished doing the same for the cemeteries in Porter.
Jess has recently established a website, brownfieldcemeteries.com, that is a valuable aid in locating and identifying cemeteries of both Brownfield and Porter.
Working with the book “Cemeteries of the Town of Porter, Maine” compiled by Janice Trueworthy and published by the Parsonsfield-Porter Historical Society in 2006, she visited all the known cemetery sites and found a few additional sites not in the book. On this website, she has provided a table organized alphabetically, with precise directions to the location of each and assigned GPS coordinates so they can be more easily located. She has also done some research and made corrections and additions to the information known when the book was compiled.
Using this site in addition to the Porter cemeteries book will give you a great deal of information as you search for anyone buried in the Town of Porter. Corrections to the “Cemeteries of the Town of Porter, Maine” will be printed and made available to anyone who wants them and will be included when a copy is purchased.
The Kezar Falls Burial Ground (AKA Riverside Cemetery, Kezar Falls) information is not included in the “Cemeteries of the Town of Porter, Maine” as it is very well documented in the “Kezar Falls Burying Ground” book compiled by Maureen and Robert Calnan in 1997. However, they will ask that a reference to the location of this cemetery be added to this online information.
Copies of “Cemeteries of the Town of Porter, Maine” may be purchased at Porter Town Hall and from the Parsonsfield-Porter Historical Society for $15.00 plus tax and shipping. Copies of the “Kezar Falls Burying Ground” may be purchased from Robert Calnan (207) 935-4473.