Sacopee Valley Professional Networking held their September meeting at The Sacred Self in Cornish. We were able to check out this new space as well as learn about some of the upcoming collaborations and classes. A great spot for wellness professionals! Thank you Diana for hosting.
October meeting info:
Next Tuesday, October 1 (yes, we said OCTOBER), we will be meeting at The Local Gear in Cornish at 8:00 AM. Heather and David will hopefully be rested after coordinating and running the Apple Festival on Saturday, and we will be discussing customer service. This is something that The Local Gear is excellent at, just check out their Google reviews!

Next meeting: Tuesday, Oct. 1 @8:00 AM
The Local Gear
74 Maple St.,
Cornish, ME 04020

Turning passion into a thriving business
Once again, we welcomed someone NEW to our group. Eleda of Triple Mountain Model Horses has been a collector since she was 4 and was able to turn her passion into a successful business. Who knew model horse shows were a thing?! We are looking forward to her input, ideas, and the business experience she brings to the group.

The hardworking organizers of the Annual Apple Festival need a few more volunteers on Saturday. Those who help, even if only for an hour or two, will have their business promoted on the CAB website for 12 months, the CAB Facebook page, as well as be included in the post-festival writeup by Sacopee Valley Community News. Contact
Last meeting of 2019
11/5/19 - 8:00 AM @ Sacopee Valley Health Center, Porter
Join us as we recap the year and talk about our plans for 2020. I would love to hear your ideas for meeting locations, presenters, discussion topics, etc. One of the many benefits of a networking group is the knowledge and experience of the people in the group. Questions, advice, referrals, support... Where else can you find a group of people with such a wide array of talents who are all together for the same reason? We are all here to help our businesses grow!
See you next month!
Cristina :)