On Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 7:00 PM at the Limerick, Maine Municipal Building - Media Room, The Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing to discuss the following Warrant Articles, to be voted on at the March 8th election by secret ballot:
Article 3: To see if the town will yote to raise and appropriate $500.00 for the American Red Cross. Selectmen and Budget Committee recommend a Yes Vote
Article 4: To see what sum the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for York County Community Action. Selectmen recommend: $500.00; Budget Committee recommends: $700.00
Article 5: To see if town the will vote to raise and appropriate $500.00 for Maine Health Care at Home formerly Visiting Nurses. Selectmen and Budget Committee recommend a Yes Vote
Article 6: To see what sum the town will vote to raise and appropriate for Matthew's Food Pantry. Selectmen recommend: $1,000.00 Budget Committee recommends: $1,200.00
Article 7: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $300.00 toward the support of the Saco River Corridor Commission for the continued water quality monitoring program in the Town, as requested by the Commission. Selectmen and Budget Committee recommend a Yes Vote
Article 8: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $3,000.00 for the Lake Arrowhead Conservation Committee to expend on milfoil control in Lake Arrowhead as requested by LACC. Selectmen and Budget Committee recommend a Yes Vote
Article 9: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $3,000.00 for monitoring boats going in and out at Sokokis Lake state public boat ramp on week-ends from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Selectmen and Budget Committee recommend a Yes Vote
Article 10: To see what sum the town will vote to raise and appropriate for Southern Maine Area Agency on Aging. Selectmen recommend: 500.00 Budget Committee recommends: $700.00
Article 11: Shall an ordinance entitled 2019 Amendments to the Town of Limerick's Zoning Ordinance to amend Article VII-Conditional Uses, Section E adding "A change in ownership does not constitute a change in use" be enacted as follows? Proposed Amendment as follows: Article VII-Conditional Uses E Attachment of Conditions; Violation. Upon consideration of the standard in VII.B, the Planning Board may attach such conditions, in addition to those required elsewhere in this ordinance, that it deems it advisable to satisfy those standards. Violation of any of these conditions shall be in violation of the ordinance. Failure to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, as interpreted by the Code Enforcement Officer shall be cause for revocation of the Conditional Use Permit. Changes that alter the conditions or provisions of the permit as issued will be a violation. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, specifications for: type of vegetation; increased setbacks and yards; specified sewage disposal and water supply facilities; landscaping and planting screens; period of operation; operational of controls; professional inspection and maintenance; sureties; deed restrictions; restrictive covenants; locations of piers, docks, parking and signs; type of construction; or any other condition necessary to satisfy the standards on Article VII.B. A change in ownership does not constitute a change in use.
Article 12: Shall the Town vote to accept the gift of three (3) parcels of land located on Town Tax Map 17 Lot 66-2, 66-3 and 66-4 which abut/or are near the Town-owned Scenic overlook and which are subject to the following covenants and restrictions which the Town of Limerick and their successors and assigns, by acceptance of this deed, agree to be bound by and shall comply with:
No buildings of any type shall ever be constructed on the parcels being conveyed herein.
Grantee, their successors, and assigns agree to cut any grass growth on the parcels conveyed herein at least two times a year so that the property looks maintained and the views provided to the public from these parcels are not diminished.
The Town of Limerick shall not allow any nuisance to occur on the land being conveyed herein.
Article 13: Shall the Town vote to return any unencumbered monies from an approved Capital Project to the Capital Reserve Account once the project is three (3) years old from the date of approval. Any project over three (3) years old must go before the voters again for approval. If this article is adopted, any capital project approved prior to Dec. 31, 2018, will have their ‘date of approval’ reset to Dec. 31, 2018. This shall stay in effect until appealed or amended by the voters. Selectmen and Budget Committee recommend a Yes Vote