There has been a lot of confusion surrounding the annual Kezar Falls ice fishing derby. Although the Kezar Falls Fish & Game Ice Fishing Derby was canceled this year, the Kezar Falls Fire Department will still be hosting their Ice Fishing Derby on Sunday, February 17, 2019, from 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM.

The all-ages derby will take place at 717 Bickford Pond Road, Porter, Maine 04068 (Champion's camp).
The KFFD Ice Fishing Derby is the second biggest fundraiser of the year for the department. All monies raised goes toward purchasing equipment and other items, in an effort to help offset the budget. By fundraising with events such as the Derby, the Fire Dept. helps to save taxpayers money as well as provide an enjoyable and affordable event during the winter. The weekend of the Derby is also Maine Free Fishing Weekend (2/16/19 & 2/17/19), so a fishing license is not required.
The entry fees for the Derby are
$10 adult
$5 kids under 16
$25 family (2 adults and 2 kids)
Pre registration is from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM on the 16th, at the Kezar Falls Fire Station, or you can register the day of the Derby at the weigh-in site.
Local businesses provide sponsorship by donating money as well as prizes which include tickets to the Maine Mariners and Sea Dogs, a 7mm hunting package, autographed Red Sox and Bruins items, and more!
2019 Derby Sponsors include
Highland Farms
RC McLucas Trucking
Eastman Logging
A special thanks to the following businesses for their donations
Village Variety
Phat Boys Diner
Cornish Market
Cornish True Value
Moulton Lumber
Fairgrounds Restaraunt
Sacopee Valley House of Pizza
The Local Gear
Kezar Falls Napa
Kezar Falls Hardware
Sugar N' Spice Bakery
Maine Backwoods Stitching
William A. Day + Sons Logging
Boston Red Sox
Boston Bruins
Maine Mariners
Maine Red Claws
Portland Sea Dogs
GMO Taxidermy
Shea Excavating for fixing the road to allow for parking
And all of the Ice Derby volunteers
For more information on how to help or sponsor the Derby, contact the Kezar Falls Fired Dept. Ice Fishing Derby via their Facebook page, or by calling Tony Townsend at (207)256-2721.