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Invasive Plant Patrol Workshop 6/28/19

Updated: Jul 18, 2020

Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM, formerly known as VLMP) - Invasive Plant Patrol 101 Workshop:

Are you interested in learning about the threat of invasive aquatic species to our waterbodies in Maine? Or curious about how you or your organization can make a difference in protecting the region’s waterbodies from invasive aquatic species?

Whether you are completely new to the world of aquatic invaders, a novice eager to learn more, or a seasoned Invasive Plant Patroller in need of a refresher this workshop will be worth your time! 

Here is some info about the IPP 101 workshop from the LSM website:

“Formerly known as ‘Introductory IPP’, this comprehensive, 6-hr classroom experience prepares attendees for conducting or leading invasive aquatic plant screening surveys. All IPP training sessions are open to the public and FREE to anyone interested in learning more about the threat of invasive aquatic plants in Maine.”

Additional details about LSM’s IPP 101 workshop:

The IPP 101 workshop is presented in four parts:

  • Overview of invasive species issues in Maine and beyond

  • Plant identification fundamentals

  • Plant identification hands-on exercise with live plants

  • Conducting a screening survey, tools, and techniques

Also, attendance at an IPP 101 workshop satisfies the quality assurance requirement for IPP certification.

Friday, June 28, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Alfred Parish Chapel, 8 Kennebunk Rd., Alfred, ME
Pre-registration is required.

To register for the workshop, please visit Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM) Registration Page or contact LSM at (207) 783-7733 or When you register you will get other details regarding the June 28th IPP 101 workshop – like directions to the Alfred Parish Chapel and to please bring your lunch, snacks and beverages will be provided, etc.

York County Invasive Aquatic Species Project (YCIASP), several local lake associations and other groups will be co-hosting the June 28th workshop provided by LSM.

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