On Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 7:30 p.m., the Town of Hiram will hold a public hearing to discuss Allard Circle. The public has used this "circle" for the past 30-50 years without any official vote to accept it as a "town way." The Hiram Town Office, Sacopee Rescue Units, South Hiram Fire Department, and Postal Boxes for several people are located on Allard Circle. It has been brought to the officer's attention by the new property owner of 9 Allard Circle, that he owns a portion of the "way" that is being used by the public and wishes to have the public cease using it since it was never officially voted to be accepted by the town nor was permission given by the property owner to use. See the map below to better show the property lines and where the issues lie.

Therefor, we need to come to the public and ask your opinion on what you feel would be the best solution for all in this matter and how to have the municipal officers proceed with this issue.
There are several choices or avenues we can take:
The Town take the position that it has acquired a "prescriptive use" over that portion of Allard Circle which crosses over the land of 9 Allard Circle, based upon its use for over 20 years or more, and the use of town funds for summer and winter maintenance. The Town would need to seek a declaration from the courts at the added expense of the town.
The Town take that portion of Allard Circle as crosses over the land of 9 Allard Circle by eminent domain. This too requires court proceedings, with additional expense to the Town and possible damages paid to the owner of 9 Allard Circle.
Hold a town vote of the townspeople to discontinue that portion of Allard Circle which crosses over the land of 9 Allard Circle (as depicted by the hatch marks on the drawing).
The Town wants to hear from its residents on this matter to help decide which process would be the wish of the people that use Allard Circle frequently.
Concerned citizens should come to the Public Hearing on Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 7:30 p.m.