The Town of Hiram, Maine will be holding 3 public hearings on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 starting at 7:00 PM.
7:00 PM - Patrick Crosscup, 88 Brownfield Road, Tax Map U2 Lot 8A is requesting to use property he purchased as a storage building/office for his business.
7:20 PM - Dana Shea St., off Derby Barn Road. on Deer Drive, Tax Map R2 Lot 1B is requesting to operate his business out of an existing garage on a separate parcel from his dwelling.
7:40 PM - Andrew Zelman, 134 Notch Road, Tax Map R15 Lot 3 is requesting to have a second campsite located on Little Clemons Pond (first campsite located on Big Clemmons Pond).
Property owners within 500 were notified by certified mail of the hearing.
Please contact the Town of Hiram for more information, or if you would like to comment but are unable to attend.