Head over to Bridgton, ME and visit Gallery 302 where you can check out the exhibit "Creating the Soul Path" acrylic paintings by Soul Path Artist and Hiram resident, Larissa Davis. The exhibit will be on display until June 14, 2019.
At the opening reception on May 20, Larissa offered an interactive demonstration called Creating with Intention. She talks about winding back the creative clock, embracing ones creative self and connecting colors to chakras. Those attending learned how to Soul Scribble, which is a hands-on exercise intended to help you to get in touch with your inner wild child.

"I love working with groups giving hands-on presentations like this, it is really what makes me happiest of all the things I have done in this business!" - Larissa Davis
Larissa is also a Creatively Fit Coach and public speaker. "I am available to speak about creativity as a tool for discovering our passion and building our intuition." She has presented at the Common Ground Fair, Unitarian Universalist Church in Yarmouth, and will be the guest host and presenter for the August 6, 2019 Sacopee Valley Professional Networking meeting.
You can learn more about Larissa and Soul Path art by visiting her website larissadavis.com