Green Mountain Conservation Group (GMCG) invites the public to their conservation center at the Blue Heron House, 236 Huntress Bridge Rd. Effingham, NH. on Wednesday, June 26th, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., for a free and informative "Keeping Our Lakes Healthy Symposium." This event is open to the public and strongly encouraged for lake-front homeowners and members of local NH lake associations.
Keynote speakers will include:
Amanda McQuaid, Public Beach Program Coordinator at the NH Department of Environmental Services
Russ Lanoie, Private Contractor and Licensed Septic Designer/Installer
GMCG’s own Water Quality Coordinator, Jill Emerson
and GMCG’s Outreach Coordinator, Moselle Spiller.
To lighten the evening GMCG invites you to enjoy a free “Septic Social” featuring hilarious septic themed snacks and beverages! Yes, you heard that right! Think yellow lemonade, chocolate pudding, brownies, and green “cyanobacteria” jello shots!
This symposium is dedicated to educating the public on Best Management Practices or BMPs for improving water quality and reducing nutrient loading of phosphorus and nitrogen that contribute to harmful cyanobacteria blooms in the hot summer months. BMP’s include both proper septic management as well as landscaping techniques that control storm water run-off into water bodies.
For more information, please visit: http://www.gmcg.org/keeping-our-lakes-healthy-symposium/