If you have never been to the Fryeburg Fair, you don't know what you're missing. Thousands of people flock to Fryeburg, Maine to carry on a rich tradition that signifies the official start of fall here in the foothills. Campers and RV's line up in rows, many owned by locals, and the traffic gets a bit, well, crazy.

Despite the fire back in July, this year promises to deliver a fantastic time for people of all ages. Besides the delicious fair food and animal exhibits, some of our favorite events and exhibits include
Woodsmen's Day Monday, 10/1 @9 AM
Pig Scramble
Flower Show
Whoopie Pie Contest (yes, you read that right)
Live Music
Fireman's Muster
Antique Tractors and Tractor Pull
Horse Show
Fireworks Friday, 10/5 @9 PM
There will be speakers, demonstrations, church services, dairy show, livestock exhibits, baking contests, skillet throw, and many other things that the Fair simply couldn't do without!
If you're 65 or older, Tuesday, 10/2 is your day! Because it's Senior Citizen's Day, everyone 65 and older is admitted for free.