Local store raises $10,000 to Support American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, North Conway, NH (the local chapter).

During September and October Call’s Shop N' Save of Cornish, ME raised $10,000 to support Making Strides Against Breast Cancer North Conway in an effort to heighten breast cancer awareness and support the American Cancer Society’s lifesaving mission. The local grocer joined in the fight to end breast cancer by selling donation cards at the registers, getting both employees and customers involved in the effort and then matching the amount raised.
“Local partners like Call’s have made breast cancer a priority by supporting Making Strides,” according to Kathy Metz, Community Development Manager with the American Cancer Society. “The efforts by the staff and generosity of the customers as well as Bill Call is amazing! We are so very appreciative of their outstanding contribution to our mission!”
While significant progress in the fight against the disease has been made, more needs to
be done. Breast cancer remains the most common cancer among women in the U.S. other than
skin cancer, and is the second leading cause of cancer death after lung cancer. Since 1993,
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer has been the American Cancer Society’s rallying cry to
build awareness and generate funds to fight breast cancer. In that time, 14 million Making
Strides supporters have raised more than $870 million nationwide.
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer funds are used to make a difference by:
Helping people take steps to reduce their risk of breast cancer or find it early when it is most treatable
Investing in groundbreaking cancer research to find, prevent, treat, and cure the disease
Providing free information and services to help people facing breast cancer when and where they need it including transportation, lodging, wigs, support programs, and more
Ensuring access to mammograms for women who need them.
For additional details about Making Strides Against Breast Cancer North Conway and how you can get involved visit makingstrideswalk.org/NorthConwayNH or call 512-490-8787. For free breast cancer information and resources visit the American Cancer Society’s website at cancer.org or call 800-227-2345 any time day or night.