After taking off July for some summer fun, Sacopee Valley Professional Networking held our August meeting at Sacopee Valley House of Pizza, and boy was it delicious! The networking was pretty great too.
New local businesses!
Congratulations to some NEW LOCAL BUSINESSES who joined our cheery group.
- Good Buddy Farm in Hiram Check out Erin's wreath. You can make your own at one of their workshops.
- The Sacred Self in Cornish You may already know Diana Mains, LMT, check out her new space!
-Tom Gilley, LCPC-c opened his new office in Limington.
Promoting local shopping
Jaime and Kristi from Bangor Savings explained how the Bouy Local program works, and many of us requested to join. It doesn't cost merchants anything extra and is a great way to promote shopping locally. If you have any questions, or to sign up, feel free to stop by the Cornish office, or reach out to Jaime Paquin,
Upcoming meetings:
9/3/19 @ The Sacred Self
10/1/19 @ The Local Gear
11/5/19 @ Sacopee Valley Health Center
All local business owners and/or their representatives are welcome to attend our monthly meetings. There are no membership dues or requirements, other than being local. We meet each month to discuss business topics as they relate to us and our community. Remember, always the first Tuesday, always 8:00 AM!
See you next month!
Cristina Forsyth :)