There were a few uncertainties beginning this years annual CAB Cornish Strawberry Festival.

The weather report went back and forth. Was it going to storm? Would the Festival be washed out? Would any of the farms even have strawberries in time? Volunteers gathered on Friday afternoon to start setting up, and then came back bright and early on Saturday. There were a few sprinkles during the early morning set-up, but Mother Nature was kind, the sun came out and the weather couldn't have been better.
Attendees and vendors were entertained with live music by Pete Finkle, sponsored by Sacopee Veterinary Clinic. Dr. Jeff also served up strawberry flavored cotton candy which of course was a big hit with the kids!

A handmade, strawberry themed quilt was donated in addition to several other raffle items including art and items from Full Circle Artisans Gallery, a picnic basket full of reusable items from Bangor Savings Bank, tea basket with mug by Heather Newman Art, concrete garden stone, and more.
And, thanks to proactive pre-planning by the festival chairperson, there were strawberries at the CAB booth!
"15 flats of strawberries were ordered from Pineland Farms, about 6 weeks before the event. We sold out around 12:30, an hour sooner than last year."
- Beverly Russell, Strawberry Festival Chair
Vendor spaces were full, and although a few vendors canceled at the last minute, CAB (Cornish Area Businesses) was able to call upon other vendors from their waiting list.
It was a great day for all involved, and many of the vendors reported increased sales. Thanks to CAB sponsors, members, and volunteers, the 2019 Strawberry Festival was a huge success!
The next CAB sponsored event is the Cornish Apple Festival, which will take place on September 28, 2019. Those interested in volunteering or vending should contact
Please note: there will be two parking areas with free shuttle service this year, in an effort to alleviate some of the traffic congestion.
By Cristina Forsyth