Denmark Arts Center is going to the Drive-In in September. Denmark Arts Centers LIVE Music Series presented by Norway Savings Bank and Bridgton Twin Drive-in will feature a range of bands.
Denmark Arts Center, with the help of John Tevanian at the Bridgton Twin Drive-In, has, once again, set-up a series of live concerts to create a relaxing and pleasurable music experience. Music rooted in folk tradition, early rockabilly and swing, souther rock and blues to pop, R&B, and gospel/jazz to a one woman musical dynamo! You'll definitely find something to enjoy!
For a month of Sundays, DAC’s music series will present:
August 22, 2021 - The Starlight Honeys
August 29, 2021 - King Memphis
September 5, 2021 - The Shadow Riders
September 12, 2021 - Gina Williams
The goal for each of these events is to get art into the community, employ musicians, and provide a bit of relief from the pandemic before heading into the fall. Bring your lawn chairs, lunch, and a bit of flexibility, as we will be following current CDC guidelines. These events are set-up in the parking lot of Bridgton Twin Drive-In lot II. Guests can set their lawn chairs in front of their vehicle and our sound system brings the music to you. We ask you to leave your pets at home for this Drive-In experience. Bring your coolers with food and drink and leave your alcohol-based beverages behind. Bridgton Twin Drive-In does not allow alcohol.
Denmark Arts Center Drive-In Music Series is possible with support from Norway Savings Bank, Bridgton Twin Drive-In, STANDARD Gastropub, and generous funding from Davis Family Foundation and Maine Arts Commission.
Reservations are suggested. The cost of admission is $50 per vehicle, with a maximum of 5 people per vehicle. The gates open at 12:00 p.m. The concerts start at 1:00 p.m. To purchase tickets or find more information, please visit
The Bridgton Twin Drive-In and is located at 383 Portland Rd. in Bridgton, Maine only 30 minutes from North Conway, New Hampshire, and one hour from Portland and Lewiston, Maine.