On Monday, June 14, 2021, the Town of Parsonsfield will have its white goods pickup. You must have all items at the curb by 6:00 a.m. Curbside pickup only. There is a limit of 3 items.
Items not allowed:
commercial items
wood debris
vehicles or parts of vehicles
wire fencing
This pickup is only for metals, excluding the above mentioned.
All refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners must have a $20 freon sticker or it will not be picked up. Freon stickers are available at the Town Clerk's office.
For more information, please call Mellen & Son Disposal at (207) 625-7591 or the Town Office at (207) 626-4558
Fall Bulky Waste Pickup is October 11, 2021, and Tire Drop Off is October 23, 2021.