Spring Raptor Migration with Phil Brown of Harris Center & NH Audubon on May 14

Join Harris Center Hawk Watch Coordinator, Phil Brown, for a talk at Green Mountain Conservation Group (GMCG) about hawk watching in New Hampshire, raptor identification and natural history on Tuesday, May 14, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Blue Heron House, 236 Huntress Bridge Rd., Effingham, NH 03882. Phil will discuss what he has learned from observing the fall migration spectacle at Pack Monadnock Mountain each Fall for the past 14 years, as well as share anecdotes from the observatory and identification techniques. Phil’s talk is timed close to peak spring migration for several species, with a focus on raptor identification. The presentation will include photography by Phil that will provide tips and strategies for enjoying raptors more and contributing important data to better protect them.
Phil Brown is a lifelong bird enthusiast and trained naturalist who has traveled extensively in search of birds and natural places, but equally enjoys exploring close to home. He is a frequent field trip leader and instructor for NH Audubon, where he manages wildlife sanctuaries across the state. Phil has led many birding and nature tours from New England to the tropics for groups including Merlin Wildlife Tours, Holbrook Travel, NH Audubon, and the Hawk Migration Association of North America. He now coordinates the Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory research and education project for the Harris Center for Conservation Education, where he is also leading a Young Birders Club.

Green Mountain Conservation Group (GMCG) welcomes the public to learn about the wonders of raptors in NH from special guest Phil Brown. Suggested donation for the event is $5 per person. Please RSVP to info@gmcg or call (603) 539-1859. To get involved with birding initiatives at GMCG, visit their website, gmcg.org and look for Blue Heron Bird Club!