On Saturday, November 2, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., Denmark Arts Center presents Blueberries, Brian, and Broadway.

From chance meetings with stars like Elizabeth Taylor, Kevin Bacon, and Hugh Jackman, to working for legendary producer, Victoria Crandall at Maine State Music Theatre, Brian has a story to tell. His upbeat attitude has allowed him to see the humor in life, and his life has been a riot.
Blueberries, Brian, and Broadway is a revealing tell-all about Brian Allen’s journey from “blueberry queen” to executive and artistic director of the Good Theater.
“Did I tell you about taking piano lessons at the casket factory? How about the time I lead a tour to London and we ended up in the wrong country? Oh, I’ve got to tell you about the bats in our belfry." Brian’s show is one-part play, one-part stand-up comedy, and all hilarious.

“Allen is a natural born storyteller!” said, April Boyle of the Maine Sunday Telegram in her review of Blueberries, Brian, and Broadway.
Allen’s charming walk down memory lane opens with a series of old photographs, projected on a screen on stage. Oohs, aahs, and laughter filled the room Friday night as various images flashed of Allen as a smiling baby, a child in horned-rimmed glasses, a young boy playing in a kiddie pool with his younger sister, and finally stopping on a picture of Allen as a young man that made him blush as he walked out onto the stage.
Allen, a Maine boy who was born to a family of blueberry mongers, grew up to tour nationally, do shows off-Broadway, star in a reality television show, co-found a theater, and hobnob with celebrities.

Stories from his youth about taking piano lessons at a casket factory, bats in the belfry of his family’s Adams Family-esque home, or loving reminisces about family are what makes Blueberries, Broadway, and Brian a pleasure to experience and a must-see for your calendar.
Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 over 65, and $8 for under 18. To purchase tickets, or for more information, please visit www.DenmarkArts.org/event or call the Denmark Arts Center box office at (207) 452-2412.
The Denmark Arts Center is located at 50 West Main Street (Rte. 160) in the beautiful hamlet of Denmark, only 30 minutes from North Conway, New Hampshire and one hour from Portland and Lewiston, Maine.