Hiram shares boundaries with five other towns: Baldwin, Brownfield, Cornish, Denmark, Porter, and Sebago. Ever wonder what else we share? In the first of the Shared Histories Series, we discover some of the history Hiram and Brownfield share.
Some of the history stems from shared features - Pequawket Trail, Saco River, railroads. Some of it is political - changing boundaries, awards of land grants. Some is families that move or work a few miles from home and find themselves in a different town. Some is horrific, such as the 1936 flood and the 1947 wildfires. Sally Williams and Brad Fuller explore commonalities of Hiram and Brownfield in a one-hour program on Thursday, November 12, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. The program is free, but to join the meeting you must RSVP to receive the link to the specific meeting. RSVP to gardenlit@gmail.com Please do not wait until the last minute - they will be busy setting up. If you have already RSVP'd, you do NOT need to do it again.