Sunday, October 17, 2021, from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., please join Marty Tracy, Peter Hagerty, and Sarah Ford of Forest Carbon Works outside at
the Hagerty residence (475 Porterfield Rd, Porter, Maine) for a casual and friendly conversation about forest carbon, carbon markets, and landowner opportunities for carbon project participation. This event will be held rain or shine.

Learn about Forest Carbon Works and join an open discussion about
protecting our forests followed by a walk in our woods. Sarah is very
used to skepticism and welcomes all questions. Below is Sarah’s
welcome for the event and her bio.

Sarah works as the New England Regional Forester for Forest Carbon Works, providing forestry services throughout the Northeast and assisting with project origination through landowner engagement and outreach. Based out of Stowe, Vermont, Sarah has been working in the forestry field for more than 15 years. Sarah holds a master’s in forest science from the University of Vermont and has worked extensively in forests throughout New England and New York.

Forest Carbon Works supports small landowners with technical consulting and development services for forest carbon offset projects throughout the U.S. by distilling the complex processes required for developing a carbon project into a simple membership service, creating easy access for all landowners. Forest technicians visit every property to complete a free pilot inventory using a smartphone device and an in-house patented inventory platform (a nice blend of traditional forestry and tech). Pilot inventory data is then analyzed and offers are made to landowners for viable projects. Until this point, there is no commitment to the landowner. The only cost for the entirety of the project is a $75 application fee. At Forest Carbon Works, we manage the project for its lifetime including repeated inventories, verifications, reporting, and credit sales.
If you would like to attend the event, please call Marty and Peter at (207) 625-4906 or email